The ‘lived experience’ is the intent to directly explore the origin or reflective dimensions of human existence, thus identifying the cause and effects of our lived encounters. Armed with this knowledge the individual can plan and carry out assertive actions to challenge, prevent further negative experiences and start to take control of what is happening to them.
Within the work-place or education institution, the fact that an injury is or has taken place is usually identified with the member of staff presenting themselves to a trusted colleague or accomplice. The individual and organisation needs to accept that this has taken place and work swiftly to put things right.
Using the lived experience the individual considers and reflects upon the behaviours they experienced and learn to express their feelings during a time of crisis.
Having emerged from the effects of discrimination, the individual should be encouraged to deconstruct and re-fashion their lived experience to aid their healing and development and later, to support others facing similar experiences.
Resilience is a characteristic that is imperative to aid BAME staff in the workplace. It is the ability to ‘spring-back’ from the impact of ‘blows’ to all aspects of institutional inequalities. The individual will need support to acknowledge that they are victims of unconscious bias and consider the impact of the experience.
Dr Angela Herbert MBE