Dr Angela Herbert MBE

Inside Out Transformational Coaching Solutions (IOTC) provides a range of bespoke services, designed to assist individuals and organisations to enhance their professional and personal potential. IOTC-S provides organisational solutions in leadership, diversity, inclusion, and change management.
IOTC offers a range of services to support you in practical ways; with a practical approach to life situations and circumstances, with the benefit of experience, professionalism, being highly qualified and respected.

Dr Angela Herbert MBE
We offer…
Coaching Solutions
Life Coach Solutions
I call it a journey as it is simply that! We work towards the attainment of a negotiated and agreed specific goal or outcome. I conduct an initial assessment and we plan 6 powerful sessions, at which coachees are provided with a range of cognitive tools and practical tasks, to attain during our coaching relationship.
Coaching Solutions
Group Mentoring and Coaching Solutions
During group mentoring and coaching, individuals reflect on critical lived experiences that impact on group dynamics and use these experiences to develop as strong individuals and effective teams that respect and value themselves and each other. I use my unique cyclical model; EARNR; Experience, Action, Review, New actions Review which aids individuals and ultimately provides positive impact for the organisation.
School Solutions
Using the IECR model and coaching, children and parents are supported to attend and manage within difficult performance meetings. We encourage parents to engage before there is an issue presented by the school that may result in a short-term or permanent exclusion in order to prevent this damaging experience. We attend meetings and negotiate GROW objective action plans to facilitate a joint approach and solution so that the child remains in school and works towards agreed aims.
Training Solutions
Training Solutions
Training and consultancy are key aspects of IOTC. Using the EARNR model, training needs are identified and an approach developed to ensure that not only are programmes delivered, but that outcomes and progress are effectively monitored.
Parenting Solutions
Solutions based upon a principle that we like to call ‘Critical Lived Experience’ which considers good and bad experiences as powerful learning opportunities. As such, the practical experiences that we have will be shared through our blog and we offer opportunities for coaching of adults and children using EARNR, to get to the place where you can journey successfully, through child rearing.
Family Relationships
It always looks better when you see the light on in someone else’s window with the lovely picket fence, beautiful flowers in the garden. My friends, it is window dressing and a façade. The reality is that nothing is perfect and even if you want to move in one direction, if we pull in opposing directions it is destroyed. This is the reality of relationships. It is only when ‘we’ become us’, when we learn to be still and think; that our family relationships can become fruitful. Again, using EARNR.

IO Event Solutions
Dr angela herbert mbe
As a Public Speaking professional, Dr Angela Offers a wide range of wisdom. If you’d like Dr Angela to speak at your event..
Our Methology
My unique cyclical model; EARNR, takes the coachee, individual, professional or group, on a structured journey of discovery that utilises critical lived experience, as a tool to enable reflection and cognitive tools to build self-esteem, confidence, competence and resilience.
Want to achieve positive outcomes or results? Contact IO-Solutions
If you are interested in any of the services provided on this website please make contact via one of the methods below.
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